Tag Archives: nutrition
The 5 Pillars of Employee Behavior Change: Pillar #5

You have high hopes for your employee wellbeing program—you’re going to motivate and inspire your employees to eat healthier, exercise more, quit smoking… well, the list goes on and on. And while you may have good intentions, if you’re like … Continue reading
How Blue Apron Approaches Employee Wellbeing

How does a 5,000-person company with employees distributed in offices and warehouses around the country approach employee wellbeing? LifeDojo recently caught up with Hannah Bertiger, Benefits & Wellness Coordinator at Blue Apron to find out! Read on to learn about Blue Apron’s current … Continue reading
Finding the Focus for Your Employee Wellbeing Program
Wellbeing can be a tricky concept to define. That’s why we spent a blog post diving into what we mean by this term and why we think it’s important to distinguish between wellness and wellbeing. One of the reasons why we prefer … Continue reading
How Healthy Eating Can Impact Your Employees & Your Business

Whether you’re vegan, paleo, gluten-free, or unapologetically omnivorous, chances are you spend a good deal of time every day thinking about food. What’s in your fridge? What are you having for dinner? What do you need to buy at the … Continue reading
9 Reasons to Skip Sugar

Every winter, I tend to slip a little bit in my intention to eat less refined sugar. So here we go again: My goal is to make refined sugar a minimal part of my diet. Treats and special occasions, maybe, but definitely … Continue reading