Tag Archives: employee stress
The Case for Investing in Employee Wellbeing Coaching
What’s the first thing you feel like doing after having a frustrating day at work? Coming home and complaining to your spouse, roommate, or best friend, right? Commiseration and validation of our emotions feels good, and usually brings us closer … Continue reading
A New Paradigm for Approaching Mental Health in the Workplace
If you have a stake in your employees’ health (and most HR, benefits, and people managers do), you’ve probably already realized that poor mental health among your employees is a massive and complex problem. And the larger your company, the … Continue reading
5 Simple Ways to Promote Wellness at Work
As an employer, you have a vested interest in your employees’ health. Not just because you work with them every day and care about them as people, but because healthy employees come to work more often, are more productive, and … Continue reading
Recognizing Employee Burnout: 4 Simple-to-Spot Symptoms You Need to Know
The statistics are concerning. One in three people reports being chronically stressed on the job, leading to as many as one million employees being absent every day of the year. Beyond this, chronic stress is driving up costs related to lower productivity, increased … Continue reading
3 Questions to Ask Before Launching a Wellbeing Program
You can see the future, and it’s looking bright. Everyone at your company is feeling energized and enthusiastic about their work, connected to the people around them, and full of vitality. Sounds great, right? It’s easy to imagine that a … Continue reading
Employee wellbeing is worth it: 4 good reasons for employers to invest
It’s a disturbing trend: Americans seem to be getting less healthy with every passing year. According to the Economist, health premiums in America have more than doubled in the past decade. The proportion of adults who are clinically obese more than doubled … Continue reading
How to choose a stress management program: 5 questions to ask
Is stress really an “epidemic”? Sadly, yes, according to the United Nations International Labor Organization, which recently declared that occupational stress has reached “epidemic” levels with costs estimated at upwards of $200 billion per year. If your business is affected by this … Continue reading
Why your company (really) needs a stress management program
Most conscientious HR leaders today understand the importance of wellness programs for employee stress management. Reducing workplace stress contributes to long-term employee happiness, worker retention and productivity, leading to a new trend in more comprehensive mind and body wellness initiatives. The … Continue reading
New employee stress management programs bring renewed hope
Stress-related health issues at work are too serious—too deadly—to ignore. When we look at the diseases most likely to harm or even kill us (like cancer, heart disease, or diabetes) we find that they are overwhelmingly made worse or even … Continue reading